Student Services
Scroll down to see services available to ELA students.

On-Campus HousingLimited on-campus housing is available on both the Lincoln Park and Loop Campuses
Off-Campus HousingOff-campus options include homestay, apartments or private dormatories
Health Insurance
ELA students with an F1 visa are required to carry health insurance coverage and are automatically enrolled in DePaul’s student health insurance plan.
Academic Year 2024-2025

Health Services
In addition to the required health insurance, students can purchase basic health services from DePaul Student Health Service for $60 per quarter. The clinic provides only minor services.
Counseling Services
Trained counselors are available to help student adapt to the many challenges that come with studying abroad.

Libraries and Computer Labs
ELA students receive DePaul University student ID cards which give students access to all university facilities, such as libraries, computer labs, and public access printers.
Student Discounts
The DePaul University Demon Discounts program offers discounted pricing on a variety of services around the city, including dining, entertainment, retail stores and more.